Agent To Help
You Land A Job
At Restaurants
Tired of getting ghosted?  Don’t know how you can stand out as a candidate? Let your personal agent do the work for you.
Try it for Free!

What We Offer


Unlimited Personalized Recommendations

You can explore it immediately.  Just upload your resume, and we will find great jobs for you.

Super Agent

Unlimited Personalized Recommendations

We Help Tailor Resume & Cover Letter

We call the restaurants to advocate for you

We help you prepare for the interviews

Or anything you need, we’re here to help 24/7

This feature is free for a limited time.  So, try it now for free!

Try it for Free!

You will be able to choose either agent or super agent
once you tell us about yourself!

How It Works!

Step 1

Upload your resume (Or simply answer questionnaires) and share your job preferences.

Step 2

Check unlimited personalized recommendations put together just for you!

Step 3

(Optional) Request Super Agent and a human agent will work with you to help land a job!

Personalized Job Recommendations

Your Strength-Based

Job opening recommendation card. It says: 'Why we reommend this: Experience in interacting with a high-end🍷  VIP clientele is preferred. Your experience at fine dining restaurants could help you stand out among other candidates!'

Your Preference-Based

Job opening recommendation card. It says: 'Why we reommend this: You want a job where you can rely on your peers and staff, and former employees confirm this! They commented that fellow staffs are fun to work with and are trustworthy. 🤝'
Try it for Free!

Resume Optimization Tips

Mock resume with sections labelled 1, 2, 3


Here, you could provide a little more detailed description on your experience in Saigon-2-Siam.  It is a great experience, however, the description looks a bit too simple.


You could add additional language skills if you have one, as they prefer applicants with fluency in other languages


You could revise your resume to make it look more clear and organized, feel free to reach out to us if you need help in enhancing your resume!

Try it for Free!

What Our Users Said

“You helped me reduce the amount of time spent figuring stuff out”

- Roy H., Seasoned Server
in San Francisco, CA

"Wow, this is amazing.  I really like the reformatted resume!”

- Charles W., Seasoned Server
in New York, NY

"Thank you for being so understanding!”

- Jeanelle P., Seasoned Server
in San Francisco, CA

Try it for Free!

Let’s Get You
An Agent!

First, tell us about you and we’ll get you personalized recommendations.
Then, you can sign up for our Super Agent for Free!

Start With Personalized Job Openings For Free!

(No hidden cost.  It’s absolutely free)